Saturday, December 19, 2015

Greddy EMU linux and Windows 64bit part 4 final post

So after much fun with Ubuntu and Wine, and Windows 10 64bit and drivers, I'm tapping out.  Below are some screen shots of using various open source software and sites to decompile machine code to source code of some EMU files and its way too much of a huge task a newb like myself to find where in the tens of thousands of lines of code where the driver package is, and how to put the new package in.

Fun times for a newb like me haha.  Looks like to get 64bit support for various OS's from Greddy, we need them to step up themselves vs. some techie wanna-be's to try and figure it out.  I imagine Wendell from Tek Syndicate could make quick work of this but its a pretty low priority challenge for gurus of such IMO.

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