Sunday, June 12, 2016

Rockstor ESXi notes

Use this URL to fix a single disk seen issue (vs multiple disks of a RAID)

edit the VMX file of the RockStore VM and add the following line: 


This adds a serial number to each drive and they all appear in the webinterface. 
Install VMtools or Open-vm-tools into Rockstor for graceful shutdown

Installing VMware tools into Rockstor to assist in gracefully shutting it down- or instead open VM tools as it does not need to be re-installed after updates.  Also ensure Rockstor is the first to boot up before other VMs that use its storage pool.

Install the Open-vm-tools:
Rockstore uses epel repo so it is pretty easy to install: on your console login as root:
yum install open-vm-tools
service vmtoolsd start