Sunday, April 24, 2016

Getting 4 Pin Noctua fans to work with HP Z800 6 Pin header and avoid BIOS FAN error

So in an attempt to quiet down the old z800, I started to replace fans with Noctua fans-- but HP does not use standardized fan connectors.  In particular, putting 4 pin PWM fans on the header that is meant for a dual fan setup that terminates into a 6 pin connector.  The 6 pin layout is essentially the standard 4 pin layout of hot wires and RPM wires, but the 5th and 6th pin are just for the RPM of the second fan (power is paralleled).  So to make the annoying BIOS 'fan not detected' error go away (requiring me to press F1 to complete boot up-- and also to put the provided Noctua resistors in place as the MB makes the fans go into overdrive with this error) I found that Philmore locking socket 70-4856 fits the 'proprietary' HP 6 pin fan header perfectly.  I paralleled two wires with pins to the Noctua RPM wires to go into the last two blanks-- boot up-- Error free and no need to use the reistors as well!!!  Success!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Flashing an integrated LSI 1068e RAID controller on an old HP z800

So firstly, the 'why' towards doing this is for the want to using a software raid found in various distros such as FreeNAS ZFS, Linux BTRFS etc.  I feel the 1068e as implemented by HP and LSI on this board (and from my research on a lot of 'embedded' 'integrated' setups on other boards) was seriously affecting performance as well- the RAID 10 write speeds were atrocious and no-where near the ~130mbs it should have been at.

So off to the races- after much research it was looking impossible, all the info out there was in regards to the PCI card setups, not the embedded setups and the tutorials and scripts would not work.  Then I fell on an unRAID thread HERE, page 53 second post down had a write-up.

Add-on notes to that tutorial-
- choose PCI-e when prompted
- 3081 when prompted
